Rezensionen zu: DarkStreet 120x120x200cm

Mittwoch, 06. März 2013

DarkStreet 120x120x200cm Bewertung: TEXT_OF_5_STARS
Autor: Gast
Rezension: I wonder if you\'ll see this after all this time, but maybe you get some noaocifttiin whenever you get any comments, even on your old posts. I have certainly known at leas one person who could go very crazy at times, with the manic side, but I\'ve also known one who was just a little on the manic side, so people didn\'t notice right away. I suppose there is a considerable range, from people who get crazy enough to be hospitalized down to those who just vary somewhat, are subject to moods. I am going back through these posts and have come across one or two I don\'t remember seeing before.Terron

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